Take care of your electronics.

Take care of your electronics.

The Rpair application helps you find repair services, access user manuals, store warranties and receipts, and set maintenance reminders.

The Rpair application assists you in finding repair services, accessing user manuals, storing warranties and receipts, and setting maintenance reminders.



"Very good application and very practical. I appreciated the feature for saving information about my devices and various warranties! Bravo!"

Christophe DARRORT

What do you get with Rpair?

What do you get with Rpair?

User manuals

User manuals

Need to reset your washing machine? Don't worry if you've lost the user manual. With just a few clicks, you can find it online and access it on your phone or send it to yourself by email to print.

Need to reset your washing machine? Don't worry if you've lost the user manual. With a few clicks, you can find it online and access it on your phone or send it via email to print.

Repair services

Repair services

Having difficulty finding a service to repair your phone, tablet or any other device? The Rpair app helps you easily find the nearest repair service.

Having difficulty finding a service to repair your phone, tablet, or other device? The Rpair application helps you easily find the nearest repair service.

Document storage

Document Storage

Do you struggle to find that crucial document when you need it? Have you lost your warranty for a repair? No problem! Simply create a profile for your device and store all important documents in one place. Keep your warranties, receipts, manuals, and any other essential information easily accessible.

Having trouble finding that crucial document when you need it? Lost your warranty ticket for a repair? No problem! Simply create a profile for your device and store all important documents in one place. Keep your warranties, receipts, manuals, and all other essential information easily accessible.

Maintenance Reminders

Forgot to change the filters in your coffee machine or air purifier? Never again. Set up maintenance reminders and never forget.

Forget to change the filters on your coffee machine or air purifier? Never again. Set up maintenance reminders and never forget again.

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